A look inside — and outside — the Mars Desert Research Station in southern Utah

HANKSVILLE, Utah – For generations, scientists and dreamers have looked to the sky and wondered what it would be like to live on Mars. This curiosity has led to the establishment of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS)—not on Mars, but in the Martian-like landscape of Hanksville, Utah. When you see the beautiful scenery of … Read more

New research shows why you don’t need to be perfect to get the job done

Building compact behavioral programs. (A) Top: The space of strategies for solving a task can be large, with many strategies achieving reasonably good performance. Bottom line: Studying relationships between strategies can provide insight into behavioral variability across animals and tasks. (B) General task configuration: An animal makes inferences about hidden properties of the environment to … Read more

Best Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stock with Stock-Split: Nvidia, Broadcom or Lam Research?

Three AI acquirers recently announced stock splits. But which one is better to buy today? With the AI ​​revolution in full swing, stock prices of favored semiconductor stocks have been on the rise. In late May, I identified five AI stocks that needed to be split. Lo and behold, three have already announced splits since … Read more

New research challenges black holes as an explanation for dark matter

Artist’s impression of a microlensing event caused by a black hole observed from Earth toward the Large Magellanic Cloud. Light from a background star located in the LMC is bent by a putative primordial black hole (lens) in the galactic halo and magnified when observed from Earth. Microlensing causes very characteristic variation in the brightness … Read more