A look inside — and outside — the Mars Desert Research Station in southern Utah

HANKSVILLE, Utah – For generations, scientists and dreamers have looked to the sky and wondered what it would be like to live on Mars. This curiosity has led to the establishment of the Mars Desert Research Station (MDRS)—not on Mars, but in the Martian-like landscape of Hanksville, Utah. When you see the beautiful scenery of … Read more

Why scientists are intrigued by air in NASA’s Mars sample pipes By apkyez.com

Perseverance Mars Rover Sample Headspace

NASA’s Mars Perseverance rover stores rock and soil samples in sealed tubes on the planet’s surface for future missions to retrieve, as seen in this illustration. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Enclosed with any rock and soil samples collected from NASAThe Perseverance rover is a potential boon for atmospheric scientists. NASA persistence March The rover is collecting samples … Read more