US workers don’t understand their 401k, survey finds

Starting a little is better than not starting a 401(k) at all.

A new survey explores a strange subset of American workers: Workers who aren’t enrolled in a 401(k) but think they are. In a Retirement Security Survey released this month, Major Financial Group found that nearly 6 in 10 non-savers, 59%, mistakenly believed they were contributing to a 401(k) retirement plan. The survey of non-savers reached … Read more

Are we ready for an asteroid to hit Earth? NASA sees work to do.

In the scenario presented by NASA, humanity has 14 years to face an asteroid with a 72% chance of hitting Earth.

Is humanity prepared to face an asteroid with a 72% chance of hitting Earth in 14 years? Scientists and experts say there is work to be done. When NASA presented the hypothetical scenario, drawn up by the Planetary Defense Coordination Office, to a group of nearly 100 government representatives, they discovered that their plan to … Read more