The hippocampus distinguishes immediate goals from future ones

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Summary: Researchers discovered how the brain prioritizes immediate and distant goals. Their study found that the hippocampus processes immediate goals faster and differently than future goals. This insight may help understand psychiatric disorders such as depression, which affect goal-setting skills. The findings reveal substantial differences in brain activity and behavior related to goal prioritization. Key … Read more

Space debris in Florida, North Carolina draws attention to danger

A family in Naples, Florida, is filing a claim against NASA for damages to their home after a piece of space debris from the International Space Station blew off their roof earlier this year. NASA confirmed last week that a large piece of debris found along a trail in North Carolina last May came from … Read more

Earth’s mysterious deep-dwelling microbes are only just beginning to be understood

Eventually, over many years of research, Boston and other scientists discovered that the microbes in Lechuguilla do much more than excrete a little dirt. Lechuguilla is encased in thick layers of limestone, the solidified remains of a 250-million-year-old bedrock. The multiple chambers in such caves are usually formed by rainwater seeping into the ground and … Read more

The night sky this week

Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) among sunlit clouds in July 2020. (Photo by: Alan Dyer/VW … [+] PICS/Universal Picture Group via Getty Images) VW Pics/Universal Image Group via Getty Images Every Monday, I pick the North American sky highlights for the week ahead (which also apply to mid-northern latitudes in the Northern Hemisphere), but be sure … Read more

How to look at the Palm Beaches

The SpaceX Falcon Heavy, made up of the first three stages of the Falcon 9 rocket, could potentially be seen in Palm Beach County, weather permitting and depending on cloud cover. From Melbourne Beach to West Palm Beach, it is about 120 miles. To see a rocket launch in Palm Beach County is a special … Read more

Supermassive black hole winds blowing at 36 million miles per hour can carve up entire galaxies

A bright quasar, powered by a supermassive black hole, is blasting radiation that blows away clouds of gas in its surroundings to generate winds that reach speeds of about 36 million miles per hour (58 million kilometers per hour). Oh, and the quasar is also almost as old as the universe itself. The discovery, made … Read more

Two large asteroids safely pass Earth just 42 hours apart

Near-Earth objects

Safety in Space 24/06/2024 5516 view 12 like Two large asteroids will safely pass Earth this week, a rare occurrence timed to commemorate this year’s Asteroid Day. None of them pose any danger to our planet, but one of them was discovered just a week ago, underscoring the need to continue improving our ability to … Read more

The best views from the Treasure Coast

The Falcon Heavy, made up of three Falcon 9 rockets, can be seen from the Treasure Coast, weather permitting and depending on cloud cover. Godspeed, Falcon Heavy! SpaceX’s massive rocket — more powerful than the space agency’s Falcon 9 — will potentially lift off this week from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center. Can you see a … Read more

Quantum effects stop black holes from forming from high concentrations of intense light, physicists say

Credit: NASA For the past seven decades, astrophysicists have theorized the existence of “kugelblitze,” black holes caused by extremely high concentrations of light. These particular black holes, they speculated, could be related to astronomical phenomena such as dark matter, and have even been suggested as the power source of hypothetical spacecraft engines in the distant … Read more